Uyuni Salt lake, Bolivia

Salar de Uyuni / Uyuni salt lake
El salar mide 12.000 km cuadrados. Esta es la epoca de lluvias por eso estaba inundado, ya que el suelo no absorve el agua.
The salt lake is about 12,000 square kilometers. This is the rainy season thus it was flooded because the ground doesn't absorbs the water.

Martin tratando de hacer algo de dinero para la gasolina.
Martin trying to make some extra money for gas.

Pilas de sal / Piles of salt.

El atardecer fue indescriptiblemente bello. The sunset was indescribably beautiful.

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Uyuni, Bolivia

Cementerio de trenes / Train Cemetery
Este fue la primer linea de ferrocarriles construida en Bolivia a finales del siglo 19. Se usaba para trasportar minerales que se extraian de las minas cercanas hasta Antofagasta, Chile. Cuando las minas se agotaron abandonaron alli los trenes.
This was the first train track built in Bolivia at the end of 19 century. It was used to transport minerals from the mines to Antofagasta in Chile, once the mines were emptied they just dumped the trains out there.

the strongest man on earth

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