Casma to Huaraz, Peru

Subimos de 500 metros de altitud a 4500, en una carretera de 60 km de tierra. Subiendo por la montaña con precipicios al costado y cada vez mas frío, niebla, lluvia, pozos. Pero unas vistas increíbles.
We went from 1000 feet above the sea level to 14,000. Up the mountain on a 40 miles dirt road with precipices on the side and coldder at every mile. Sometimes with fog, rain and huge potholes, but there was also unbelieveable views.

Pasamos por varios asentamientos de unas pocas casitas. Y los niños saludaban o se acercaban curiosos por las motos.
We crossed many small settlements of a few houses, and the kids were waving hands and curiouss about the motorcycles.

Parece que he perdido un diente (es el micrófono del intercomunicador).
It seems I lost a tooth (it's the microphone of the intercom).