Nasca to Cusco, Peru

Desde Nasca a Cusco fueron dos dias de carretera, al comienzo atravesamos las montnias desiertas. En la foto se ve la carretera como una serpiente.

It was a 2 days ride from Nasca to Cusco, starting in a very much dessert landscape. Notice the road as a serpent on the ground.

Comenzamos a ver llamas y alpacas en cuanto hubo un poco mas de vegetacion. Ibamos subiendo en altitud y el frio era cada vez mas intenso.
We started to see llamas and alpacas and more vegetation but the altitud was higher and higher and was getting really cold.

De repente empezo a nevar y al rato caia granizo. La carretera estaba resbaladiza y veiamos rayos cayendo sobre la zona que debiamos atravesar. Asi que no pudimos continuar.
Sudenlly it started to snow and hail. It was very slippery and we could see some lighting bolts coming down right to the area we supposed to cross. Thus it was imposible to continue.

Paramos en una casita de adobe al costado de la carretera. Le pedimos a la mujer algo caliente para tomar y un lugar para dormir.
We stopped at a mud house on the side of the road and asked to the lady a cup of tea and a place to crash.

Esta es nuestra habitacion. Fue imposible dormir hacia mucho frio y estabamos a 4200 metros de altura. Lo cual nos producia terribles dolores de cabeza y falta de aire.
This was our room. It was impossible to sleep. We were at 15k feet high and that gave us horrible headaches and we were short of breath.

Estas son las llamas de la casa que dormian en el patio.
This are the llamas roaming around the house

A la maniana siguiente la nieve estaba derretida y nosotros listos para salir.
Next morning the snow was gone and we were ready to go.

Para Fer
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