
Luego de cuatro dias reparadores en casa de Erika y Gonzalo y volvimos a la carreta e hicimos 9 horas hasta Oaxaca. En el DF aprovechamos tambien para hacerle el service a la moto en Munchen BMW. Super buena onda.
After spending four days at Erika and Gonzalo's we hit the road and did 9 hours staight to Oaxaca. In Mexico City we serviced the bike at Munchen BMW. Great guys and excellent service.
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Árbol de cactus.
Huge cactus tree

Chocolate recien molido, tomamos un monton de chocolates caliente.
Fresh grounded chocolate, we had a lot of hot chocolate.

Chapulines como snack, es decir saltamontes.
Grasshoppers as snack

Llegamos para la fiesta del Senor del Rayo y luego de la misa, celebraban con fuegos artificiales sujetos a distintas figuras.
We arrived for their Saint's Fiesta and after the mass there were fireworks attached to several figures as part of the celebration.

Por poco incendian la iglesia.
They almost burn down the church.

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